Asking God’s mercy, forgiveness and blessing for a deceased is encouraged by the Prophet. Indeed, he often visited the cemetery and made dua for them. Making dua for the dead ones is like giving them gifts. The analogy for asking forgiveness of God for the dead is that how a person whom we give gifts … Continue reading My question is, when non-Muslim members of one’s family pass away, how can we make dua for their souls? I read we cannot do it in the same way we pray for others, but I also don’t want to leave members of my family without prayers in the grave, if possible. I have found many mixed answers and am trying to find some clarity. Is there anything you can help with on this topic? Even if it is just an article or book to read, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Again, I hope you don’t mind me asking you. As I said, no one else I’ve asked has been able to give me a straight answer, because it’s not a very common topic I suppose.
Category Archives: My Relationships
Since women have more influence on the child, Why are Muslim women not allowed to marry non muslims, but muslim man allowed to marry non muslim women.?
In the Qur’an, some verses prohibited Muslims from the marriage with unbelievers, but, in other places Muslim men are allowed to marry with women from the People of Book meaning Christians and Jews. Since the Qur’an does not mention women in the the verse if they are also included in the permission with regards to … Continue reading Since women have more influence on the child, Why are Muslim women not allowed to marry non muslims, but muslim man allowed to marry non muslim women.?
Why is the witness of one man considered to be equal to the witness of two women?
In one of the Qur’anic verses the testimonies of two women are demanded, this is only related to written testimony, it cannot be used anywhere else. Moreover, the testimony of two women is related to business and transactions. One of the explanation for this is that women were not very active in the business life … Continue reading Why is the witness of one man considered to be equal to the witness of two women?
When the father dies the inheritance goes to the son even if that person has a older daughter. Is this true in terms of our religion, or is it a cultural thing?
Firs of all it is not true that inheritance goes only male children or older male child, indeed, there are many verses and hadith which allocate each person his/her share from the inheritance. Unfortunately, today there are un-Islamic cultures in many countries and people assume that those practices are related to Islamic teachings. In short, … Continue reading When the father dies the inheritance goes to the son even if that person has a older daughter. Is this true in terms of our religion, or is it a cultural thing?
Hello. I am in the process of reverting, I am still learning. I would like to wear hijab. The only thing holding me back is my career. Most of my fellow peers tell me that my career is haraam because I am a female barber. I believe that my ability to cut hair as well as I do is a gift & blessing from Allah (swt). I feel like I’m not doing anything wrong because I am a licensed professional. What should I do? I want to become a Muslim and I don’t want this to interfere or get in the way of my career. Please help
Islam provides a set of rules for human beings to bring happiness here and the hereafter. One of the principles of Islam is preventing a Muslim from committing a sin or doing an indecent behavior from the beginning by blocking the means which leads to evil. In this regard, Islam put some restrictions between males … Continue reading Hello. I am in the process of reverting, I am still learning. I would like to wear hijab. The only thing holding me back is my career. Most of my fellow peers tell me that my career is haraam because I am a female barber. I believe that my ability to cut hair as well as I do is a gift & blessing from Allah (swt). I feel like I’m not doing anything wrong because I am a licensed professional. What should I do? I want to become a Muslim and I don’t want this to interfere or get in the way of my career. Please help
MANY muslim men don’t look face to face to women, what is the reason to the room divider in MOST religious meetings? this really bothers me and it makes me feel as if i, as a young female adult, bad.
Answer:Islam is a system which designs every aspect of human life, morality and ethical rules one of them. There are five essential pillars which every divine religion aims to protect them. Those are religion, life, property, intellect and progeny. Your question is related to the last one. In order to protect progeny God prohibited adultery … Continue reading MANY muslim men don’t look face to face to women, what is the reason to the room divider in MOST religious meetings? this really bothers me and it makes me feel as if i, as a young female adult, bad.
How should we deal with mockery or ridicule, especially of the young trying to practice their religion by their peers?
Forthwith he [Noah] starts constructing the Ark: Every time that the Chiefs of his people passed by him they threw ridicule on him. He said: “If you ridicule us now, we (in our turn) can look down on you with ridicule likewise! But soon will you know who it is on whom will descend a … Continue reading How should we deal with mockery or ridicule, especially of the young trying to practice their religion by their peers?
Women and the Qur’anic Prescriptions
One of the most sensitive and oft-debated issues with regard to Islam concerns the status and role of women in society. Arguably one of the aspects of social life which the emergence of Islam affected most was the status of women, with “the Qur’an hav[ing] more to say about the position of women than any … Continue reading Women and the Qur’anic Prescriptions
Maryam, or Mary, is the only woman mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an. She is mentioned in twelve chapters of the Qur’an, a total of thirty-four times. But even more important than the number of times her name is used is the fact that she was mentioned in verses of the Qur’an from different … Continue reading Mary-Maryam
Women’s Rights?
This is a very comprehensive subject. From one perspective it is open to debate. It’s very difficult to summarize my thoughts on this kind of platform. In one sense we don’t separate men and women. In another sense there are physical and psychological differences. Women and men should be the two sides of truth, like … Continue reading Women’s Rights?