
Category Archives: Prophetic Touch

What are the Greatest Dangers and Pitfalls That a Believer Faces, and What Precautions Can Be Taken?

Humanity is being tested in this world. Life itself, from the beginning until the end, is full of tests that are different in shape and level of difficulty. Said Nursi has mentioned the most dangerous six categories of these pitfalls in the 29th Letter and showed the safe paths that “brings to naught the six … Continue reading What are the Greatest Dangers and Pitfalls That a Believer Faces, and What Precautions Can Be Taken?

How Should People Avoid Sins, Distractions, and Temptations?

The question refers to one of the greatest difficulties of modern life. Even the not-so-young, but of course especially the young live in a social environment that exaggerates the natural pressures of youth to an extreme; ever-present temptations and passing desires scatter one’s nobler sentiments and higher aspirations. It is difficult indeed in this environment … Continue reading How Should People Avoid Sins, Distractions, and Temptations?

How to avoid claiming divine favors upon oneself?

Question: There are positive developments around the world in the direction of a revival of ethical and spiritual values. How should believers position themselves on a safe ground to avoid claiming divine favors upon themselves? This matter has two aspects; we are concerned with one aspect, while the other one is beyond our capacity. Regarding … Continue reading How to avoid claiming divine favors upon oneself?

Desire to Emulate, Envy, and Hastening to do Good As If Competing with One Another

How do we distinguish between the desire to emulate and envy? What are your thoughts regarding the charities and alms given away openly by some leading people in good work in order to inspire others and stimulate their feelings of generosity, while others cannot help but feel envy of their generosity? Desire to emulate (gibta) … Continue reading Desire to Emulate, Envy, and Hastening to do Good As If Competing with One Another

What is Ulfa (Familiarity)? And What Are its Negative Effects?

The word ulfa means familiar intercourse, familiarity, friendship. But what is meant in the question has a far broader and more comprehensive meaning than the bare translation of the word conveys. Humanity’s relationship to things and events, the meanings and conclusions drawn by them from such relationship, the actions and reactions that are aroused by … Continue reading What is Ulfa (Familiarity)? And What Are its Negative Effects?

How Should We React to the Evil Thoughts and Desires Whispered by Satan?

Involuntary evil thoughts, fancies, or associations of ideas usually are the result of Satan’s interference. Just as a battery has two poles, there are two central points to our hearts. These two poles work like the two poles of a battery; one receives angelic inspirations, while the other is susceptible to the suggestions of Satan. … Continue reading How Should We React to the Evil Thoughts and Desires Whispered by Satan?

Humility (Tawadu)

Tawadu (modesty and humility) is the opposite of arrogance, pride, and haughtiness. It can also be interpreted as one’s awareness of one’s real position before God, and as letting that realization guide one’s conduct toward God and with people. If one sees oneself as an ordinary, individual part of creation, a threshold of a door, … Continue reading Humility (Tawadu)