What is the night of Regaib and what would be recommended to do at this night?

Tonight is a very precious night Laylat ar-Ragha’ib, ‘the Sacred Night of Desires’. It is one of the most important nights in Islamic history for all human beings. It is the night that the Prophet (s) was transferred from his father to his mother’s womb. It falls on the first Friday of Rajab. All that you wish for on this night, God gives you for the sake of His beloved Prophet (s). In Islamic countries they celebrate this night with praising of the Prophet (s), remembrance of his life, remembrance of God in their hearts, and visits to mosques, which stay open throughout the night until dawn.

Hazrati Muhammad (saws) used to fast on the first Thursday and Between Maghrib & Isha recite

12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units. In every Rak’at after surah al Hamd recite
3 times Surah al-Qadr & 12 times Surah an Ikhlaas.

Ibn `Umar said:
There are five nights in which invocation (du`a) is not turned back: the night of Jum`a, the first night of Rajab, the night of mid-Sha`ban, and the two nights of `Eid.

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