
All posts by Youth Center

I am planning to buy a large screen TV to watch World Cup with intention to return it. Since in the aggrement clearly states that we can return without presenting any reason, it is ok for islamic sharia to buy and return to the store?

From Islamic point of view it is now lawful, because according to Islamic principles, the buyer has three days to return the item if he detects some defect in it. However, if there is no defect in the merchandise item he cannot return it after separating from the transaction place.

What are the recommended bedtime and nighttime prayers?

PRAYERS BEFORE SLEEPING It is highly emphasized to do Ablutions /Wudhoo before going to sleep . A person sleeping in the state of having performed Wudhoo gets the reward of having done worship for the whole night. It is recommended to lie down on the right side and put the hand under the cheek & keep the face towards the Kaaba … Continue reading What are the recommended bedtime and nighttime prayers?

What is the night of Regaib and what would be recommended to do at this night?

Tonight is a very precious night Laylat ar-Ragha’ib, ‘the Sacred Night of Desires’. It is one of the most important nights in Islamic history for all human beings. It is the night that the Prophet (s) was transferred from his father to his mother’s womb. It falls on the first Friday of Rajab. All that you … Continue reading What is the night of Regaib and what would be recommended to do at this night?

Ethical dimension of life

A Muslim perspective on the ethical dimension of life in relation to its beginnings and end Introduction This article discusses certain topics relating to the sacred nature of life as viewed from a Muslim perspective. Among these, abortion and euthanasia, which have been made subjects of lively and intense debate by both religious and secular … Continue reading Ethical dimension of life